Article published 5 September 2023

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New design of the IRISS website

IRISS is now presenting its new website design. The new website will make it easier to navigate the page and is filled with new information for visitors who want to deep-dive into the topic of Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design or follow the updates from the IRISS project.

The IRISS project started in June 2022 and has since then had its website, featuring news and updates on the IRISS project and ongoing activities on the topic of SSbD. This week, a new website design was launched to make it easier for visitors to find information about SSbD events, news from the value chains and the latest activities within IRISS.

One of the new features is the value chain pages, which feature information about the seven value chains contributing to IRISS. On the pages, visitors will be able to follow the latest news from the value chains, as well as information on the work being done connected to SSbD.

Another new feature is the event page, which will make it easier to follow the events that IRISS is arranging or participating in. For the ones interested in learning more about SSbD, the new page ‘Explore SSbD’ contains information such as the latest about the SSbD framework, as well as policies and strategies for SSbD and other related topics.